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6 Ergebnisse gefunden

  1. Vieleicht könnte man sich drauf einigen das Events z.B Sport, Nachtschießen die dauerhafte gleichzeitige Vorlaufzeit für die Ankündigung bekomme und nicht sowas über den Daumen gepeilt
  2. Recyclinghof - Peter, in Fachkreisen auch Dosen-Peter oder Schiessscheiben-Peter genannt, befand sich in seinem Revier, wo er sorgfältig gestapelte, recycelte Dosen mit dem Flurförderfahrzeug von A nach B umschichtete, als der Kasernenfeldwebel zu einer Inspektion bei Peter eintraf. Der Spieß lobte das Engagement von Peter während der letzten Tage, als das Nachtschiessen die Soldaten auf Trapp hielt. Im Schlepptau hatte der Spieß den Rekruten der bei der Grundausbildung immer wieder aufgefallen war, als Hörsaalclown. Der Spieß wies Dosen-Peter an, dem Rekruten seine Mätzchen auszutreiben. Da der Spieß, damals noch als junger Feldwebel, den Dosen-Peter erlebt hatte, als dieser noch für die Grundausbildung (18 Monate bis 1972) zuständig war, wusste der Spieß, das der Hörsaal-Clown bei Peter in besten Händen war. Peter zeigte stumm auf den großen Stapel noch nicht verwerteter Dosen, vom letzten Nachtschiessen! Der Rekrut verstand nicht gleich, so sagte Peter: Jede Dose wird gezählt sortiert nach Farbe und anschließend will ich eine Übersicht erhalten, die mir alle Fakten nennt zum letzten Nachtschiessen. Dienstschluss ist wenn Sie fertig sind! Viele Stunden später, es dämmerte bereits der nächste Morgen war der Rekrut mit seiner Arbeit fertig: Die Tagessieger: 15.09.2014 General of the Army Bugs_Bunny 233 14.09.2014 General of the Army Frank Moses 400 13.09.2014 General of the Army Franks 356 12.09.2014 General of the Army Franks 438 11.09.2014 General of the Army TheLegend 404 10.09.2014 General of the Army momsen 481 09.09.2014 General of the Army TheLegend 377 08.09.2014 General of the Army TheLegend 668 Die besten Schützen des 15.09.14 Teilnehmer 375, Tagesergebnis: 17.773 Dosen 1 General of the Army Bugs_Bunny 233 2 General of the Army SeinerEiner 143 3 General of the Army Schmiddie 138 4 General of the Army Lionel_Messi 136 5 General of the Army fjeden 132 6 General of the Army white-rabbit 115 7 General of the Army EgonOlsen 114 8 General of the Army USAirFORZE 112 9 General of the Army Burner 112 10 General of the Army Campbell 106 11 General of the Army ThomasHancock 104 12 General of the Army urmel1959 101 13 General of the Army Bj80 99 14 General of the Army wattpeak 94 15 General of the Army kitzi 93 16 General of the Army Endgegner 92 17 General of the Army kochi1977 91 18 General of the Army tomi79 87 19 General of the Army Blackwidow 87 20 General of the Army TheLegend 86 21 General of the Army Bruce Springsteen 85 22 General of the Army rush_ 84 23 General of the Army HiHa 84 24 General of the Army Camperfreund_Totti 84 25 General of the Army Andreas_2205 83 26 General of the Army _deekay_ 82 27 Major General Wiarus 82 28 General of the Army Crystal 81 29 General of the Army Preusse76 81 30 General of the Army PinkyDori 80 31 General of the Army DonVitoLpz 80 32 General of the Army ivory 80 33 General of the Army cheetah 80 34 General of the Army supergrille 80 35 Command Sergeant Major ALausH 79 36 Colonel siroko 79 37 General of the Army Marc99 79 38 General of the Army nikubasch 78 39 General of the Army Motte 78 40 Specialist Conner_McLeod 78 41 General of the Army Neb-ta-djeser 77 42 General of the Army Kriewi 77 43 General of the Army Project_1 77 44 General of the Army marcoheinzi 76 45 General of the Army Speckmann 75 46 General of the Army Boelcke 75 47 General of the Army PlaTho 74 48 General of the Army EL_Chico 74 49 General of the Army _D3ziBl_ 74 50 General of the Army Guderian150185 73 51 General of the Army the_Wolf 72 52 General of the Army _Janeway_ 72 53 General of the Army -Woody- 71 54 General of the Army stefanr85 71 55 General of the Army Darkice 71 56 General of the Army blackmoses 70 57 General of the Army power 70 58 General of the Army FELSEN 69 59 General of the Army Mc-Hippy 69 60 General of the Army fatlady 69 61 General of the Army fatlady 69 62 General of the Army grocer 69 63 General of the Army ohne_namen 68 64 General of the Army eisbaerchen 67 65 General of the Army DasWorT 67 66 General of the Army sandy76 67 67 General of the Army Metz-of-Death 67 68 General of the Army elitepaul 66 69 General of the Army bobhopp 66 70 General of the Army AdmiralPain 66 71 General of the Army John_Smith 66 72 General of the Army secret80 66 73 General of the Army LeroyGibbs 66 74 General of the Army Bulli 65 75 General of the Army zimi69 65 76 General of the Army Axalion 65 77 General of the Army Alkomorier 65 78 Lieutenant General Packschiss 64 79 General of the Army lusche01 64 80 General of the Army Franks 64 81 General of the Army Franks 64 82 General of the Army Narf 64 83 General of the Army malteserkrieger 64 84 Lieutenant General pta 63 85 General of the Army Project 63 86 General of the Army momsen 63 87 Brigadier General Lars 63 88 General of the Army Terrorist 63 89 Colonel Icegirl 63 90 General of the Army dosenbier2011 63 91 General of the Army Brenning 62 92 General of the Army Zkekor 62 93 General of the Army Moritz_von_Sachsen 62 94 General of the Army Baery 62 95 General of the Army SamHanna 61 96 General of the Army Christus 61 97 General of the Army codorsk 61 98 General of the Army badabauz 61 99 Specialist Darkman 60 100 General of the Army Lady 60 101 General of the Army ringo73 60 102 General of the Army Sheen 59 103 Master Sergeant Feuerleiter 59 104 General of the Army eco79 59 105 General of the Army Silvester5180 59 106 General of the Army StuKa72 59 107 General of the Army JFrag 59 108 General of the Army DerFahrer 58 109 General of the Army Sky74 58 110 Captain Stevano1985 58 111 General of the Army NIGHTMARE 58 112 General of the Army JJFuhr 58 113 General of the Army Kuschelbar59 57 114 General of the Army Payne 57 115 General of the Army blueeye 57 116 General of the Army GilbertWolzow 56 117 General of the Army hecker9 56 118 General of the Army snay0r 56 119 First Sergeant Kroete 55 120 General of the Army Fordson 55 121 Sergeant First Class Bear 55 122 General of the Army Zelt 55 123 Specialist Sgt_Penis 55 124 General of the Army germanlady 55 125 General of the Army prozac83 55 126 General of the Army computermaus 55 127 General of the Army Henrici 55 128 General of the Army IGS Hysteria 55 129 General of the Army GIM 54 130 General of the Army Pinkeltopp 54 131 First Sergeant Lurchi 53 132 General of the Army Ben206 53 133 General of the Army Boots 53 134 General of the Army Pastorin_Conny 53 135 General of the Army Kenobi 53 136 General of the Army Jonas_Blane 53 137 General of the Army sorentovivi 52 138 Captain Kaefer22 52 139 General of the Army Blondi 52 140 Command Sergeant Major Pantograph 52 141 General of the Army SethBullock 52 142 General of the Army Schreibfunker 52 143 General Luette25 52 144 Brigadier General GI_Homer 52 145 General of the Army JosephSteel 52 146 General of the Army Kata 52 147 Captain Romel 52 148 General of the Army Gnar81 52 149 General of the Army PaterDamien 52 150 General of the Army momomaniac 52 151 General of the Army h4rdcor3 51 152 General of the Army MaxResist 51 153 General of the Army hwilliamk 51 154 General of the Army Ingolf 51 155 General of the Army Rex2011 50 156 General of the Army Arsch_vom_Dienst 50 157 General of the Army Ecos_Maus 50 158 General of the Army devildragon80 50 159 General of the Army BruceWillis 50 160 6-Star-General HOC1zetnoe 50 161 General of the Army Platte_2011 50 162 First Lieutenant provo1978 50 163 General of the Army Rex2011 50 164 Captain mike1989 49 165 General of the Army 2HalbeHahn 49 166 General of the Army BarbWire 49 167 General of the Army Stubby 49 168 General of the Army Cookie 48 169 General of the Army Maddok 48 170 General of the Army aleahcim 48 171 General of the Army omtwilli 48 172 General of the Army eltoro 47 173 General of the Army Ascat 47 174 General of the Army fireblade2006 47 175 Major zorro33 47 176 General of the Army Ch0s3n_0n3 47 177 General of the Army BlackDevil 47 178 General of the Army Oktoberfest 47 179 General of the Army Jerry_Cotton 47 180 Brigadier General atzenpower1982 47 181 General of the Army weinberg 46 182 General of the Army DerMafi 46 183 General of the Army Ulrich1958 46 184 General of the Army ARCAS 45 185 General of the Army Rexuli2013 45 186 General of the Army OrangUfant 45 187 General of the Army Brabus 45 188 General of the Army Hadschzilla 45 189 General of the Army Sachs 44 190 General of the Army R3dbuLL 44 191 General of the Army succo71 44 192 General of the Army DarthTyranus 44 193 Brigadier General nemo0815 44 194 General of the Army Sennekrieger 44 195 General of the Army WilburWalsh 44 196 General of the Army Schaefer 44 197 Master Sergeant picassozg 44 198 General of the Army Moench 44 199 General of the Army Megaman 43 200 Captain JoKo 43 201 General of the Army donja87 43 202 General of the Army henrywilliam 43 203 First Lieutenant LuckyLug 43 204 General of the Army Badboy-HRO 43 205 General of the Army Muff 43 206 General of the Army JayJay 43 207 General of the Army Kanatze 43 208 General of the Army lissi68 43 209 Captain Herb1 43 210 General of the Army Transformer 42 211 General of the Army Moon44 42 212 General of the Army Cristiano_Ronaldo 42 213 Major General MetalWarrior83 42 214 Specialist Dasti79 42 215 General of the Army BATTLEFIGHTER 42 216 General of the Army Snakedoc 42 217 Captain Nullbock 41 218 General of the Army hase1 41 219 Captain meierSL 41 220 General of the Army Floxal 41 221 Staff Sergeant Buffke 41 222 Captain Nullbock 41 223 General of the Army el_jefe 40 224 General of the Army Firefox79 40 225 General of the Army tack69 40 226 Colonel Jarhead-Swoff 40 227 General of the Army AlBundy75 40 228 General of the Army ArmoredFist 40 229 General of the Army _Kratos_ 40 230 General of the Army jano 39 231 General of the Army Uffz_G36 39 232 General of the Army RossiM 39 233 General of the Army MaikWill 39 234 General of the Army Hanny 39 235 General of the Army Steiner83 39 236 General of the Army FreddyKay 39 237 General of the Army Vonis 39 238 General of the Army ermano 39 239 General of the Army HansBitze 39 240 General of the Army LeeLoo 39 241 Captain Kurt1234 38 242 Captain Matze2 38 243 General of the Army Kfzler 38 244 General of the Army Stinker11 38 245 Major Magus 37 246 General of the Army Artemis99 37 247 General of the Army WildWing 37 248 General of the Army Mauldasch94 36 249 General of the Army soldatb 36 250 General of the Army aljas 36 251 General of the Army Zivi1980 36 252 Lieutenant General clash2 36 253 General of the Army Henker 35 254 General of the Army Timobelu 35 255 General of the Army JohnyWalker 35 256 General of the Army boyhh 35 257 General of the Army Sirene85 35 258 General of the Army PSR 34 259 General of the Army jafu29 33 260 General of the Army -Seth- 33 261 General of the Army jafu29 33 262 General of the Army -Seth- 33 263 General of the Army Hgua 33 264 General of the Army zickezacke 33 265 Captain klausi53 33 266 General of the Army jens2204 33 267 General of the Army Beatbullet 33 268 General schmalzlocke 32 269 General of the Army Pololon 32 270 Captain battke 32 271 General of the Army PiusXII 32 272 General of the Army Dwerg 32 273 General of the Army kloppdrauf 32 274 General of the Army Rennie 32 275 General of the Army Kamelfuss 31 276 General of the Army Keks0r 31 277 General of the Army baron86 30 278 General of the Army kolossus 30 279 Slicksleeve Nodoma 30 280 Specialist Lucan 30 281 General of the Army Wilhelm_Klink 30 282 General of the Army Arschkrampe1962 30 283 General of the Army Austin_Powers 29 284 General of the Army Likedeeler 29 285 General of the Army Schick48 29 286 General of the Army KAB 29 287 General of the Army lokfan1978 28 288 Staff Sergeant crocosmia 28 289 Brigadier General podscher 28 290 General of the Army lisachen 27 291 Corporal xena19 27 292 Colonel Octavian 27 293 General of the Army Labello 27 294 Lieutenant Colonel Nahele 27 295 General of the Army Launex 27 296 General of the Army kingkusel 27 297 Brigadier General andrehgw 26 298 General of the Army Racing 26 299 Lieutenant General waelti09 26 300 General of the Army Shadow51 26 301 General of the Army Toifel333 25 302 General of the Army splash 25 303 Master Sergeant hopeful 25 304 General of the Army Inselfighter 25 305 General of the Army -Hexina61- 25 306 Lieutenant Colonel borussenfront09 25 307 General of the Army Fackju 25 308 Sergeant Major 2roborella 24 309 General of the Army Iceman37 24 310 General of the Army KarlDoenitz 24 311 General of the Army Chava 23 312 General of the Army Rail-Gun 23 313 Brigadier General Obi1A5 23 314 General of the Army PERSER 23 315 General of the Army oenne 22 316 General of the Army HansSteiner 22 317 General of the Army Lilitu 21 318 General of the Army PhR 21 319 General of the Army Flummi 21 320 General of the Army spike051072 21 321 General of the Army Lockonaut40 21 322 6-Star-General NoOdle 21 323 Major Speedcuber 20 324 General of the Army HarmonRabb 20 325 General Dude1981 20 326 General of the Army cris91 20 327 General of the Army Stonehead 20 328 General of the Army duFt 20 329 General of the Army Bateman 20 330 Major TheNicofabi 20 331 General of the Army Sunnyboy 19 332 Second Lieutenant Beatle 19 333 General of the Army Bodycheck69 18 334 General of the Army Poldauer 18 335 General of the Army dosenbrot2011 18 336 General of the Army bandit09 18 337 General of the Army Blutlord 17 338 General of the Army oli0405 17 339 General of the Army Werwolf 17 340 General of the Army SirDyron 17 341 Slicksleeve MeTaL 16 342 General of the Army ReRa 16 343 General of the Army Nekos 15 344 Colonel spike1909 15 345 General of the Army Landei 15 346 Major Pappy77 15 347 General of the Army Ricardo_Costa 15 348 General of the Army K1 14 349 General of the Army Nordmann 14 350 Colonel Hellscream 14 351 General major81 14 352 General of the Army Diktator1 13 353 General of the Army Frank Moses 13 354 General of the Army creutzer 13 355 General of the Army Mois 11 356 General of the Army Black 11 357 General of the Army maggi21 11 358 General of the Army eosander 11 359 General of the Army Greenangel 11 360 General of the Army Kjartan 11 361 General of the Army Fischauge187 10 362 General of the Army knut69 10 363 General of the Army Phate 9 364 General of the Army PiPzDachs 8 365 General of the Army mikimauska 8 366 Corporal warhammer69 8 367 General of the Army TheDark 8 368 General of the Army vampirelady 8 369 Sergeant First Class Ruebchen 5 370 General Bimmelgloeckchen 5 371 General of the Army Fuchs284 5 372 General of the Army Soldierboy78 5 373 Specialist jenny 4 374 General of the Army mica316 4 375 General of the Army Manky 1 17773 Gesamt Die Rankliste des gesamten Nachschiessen: 08.09.2014 - 15.09.2014 Teilnehmer 562, alle Dosen: 94.253 Dosen 1 General of the Army TheLegend 2.142 2 General of the Army Franks 989 3 General of the Army EgonOlsen 674 4 General of the Army Endgegner 667 5 General of the Army fjeden 662 6 General of the Army supergrille 654 7 General of the Army lokfan1978 643 8 General of the Army momsen 637 9 General of the Army IGS Hysteria 624 10 General of the Army rush_ 621 11 General of the Army Frank Moses 619 12 General of the Army ThomasHancock 616 13 General of the Army Crystal 599 14 General of the Army DonVitoLpz 589 15 General of the Army _deekay_ 584 16 General of the Army DerMafi 572 17 General of the Army Burner 559 18 General of the Army _Kratos_ 558 19 General of the Army Speckmann 558 20 General of the Army Blackwidow 554 21 General of the Army Project_1 546 22 General of the Army SgtRetzi 500 23 General of the Army HiHa 486 24 General of the Army Marc99 481 25 General of the Army the_Wolf 463 26 General of the Army Motte 458 27 General of the Army succo71 454 28 General of the Army devildragon80 453 29 General of the Army EL_Chico 451 30 General of the Army Lionel_Messi 449 31 General of the Army Zkekor 447 32 General of the Army ermano 439 33 General of the Army eco79 437 34 General of the Army wattpeak 436 35 Major General Wiarus 435 36 General of the Army Kriewi 426 37 6-Star-General HOC1zetnoe 423 38 General of the Army 2HalbeHahn 412 39 General of the Army ohne_namen 411 40 General of the Army blackmoses 407 41 General of the Army blackmoses 407 42 General of the Army FreddyKay 406 43 General of the Army Ecos_Maus 405 44 General of the Army Ch0s3n_0n3 402 45 General of the Army white-rabbit 401 46 General of the Army Floxal 400 47 General of the Army Sky74 398 48 General of the Army Guderian150185 398 49 General of the Army AdmiralPain 396 50 General of the Army JFrag 391 51 General of the Army Racing 390 52 General of the Army Project 389 53 General of the Army Pinkeltopp 385 54 General of the Army Axalion 384 55 General of the Army Brabus 384 56 General of the Army WilburWalsh 380 57 Brigadier General Lars 378 58 General of the Army Metz-of-Death 376 59 General of the Army Campbell 367 60 General of the Army eltoro 365 61 Colonel Icegirl 356 62 General of the Army StuKa72 354 63 General of the Army kitzi 354 64 Command Sergeant Major ALausH 353 65 Lieutenant General pta 352 66 General of the Army aleahcim 351 67 General of the Army zimi69 351 68 General of the Army DerFahrer 350 69 General of the Army Bugs_Bunny 349 70 Captain meierSL 345 71 General of the Army Preusse76 345 72 Captain Kurt1234 344 73 Captain klausi53 343 74 General of the Army eisbaerchen 342 75 Captain mike1989 341 76 General of the Army Mc-Hippy 341 77 General of the Army Bruce Springsteen 339 78 Captain Herb1 338 79 General of the Army podbi 336 80 General of the Army PinkyDori 336 81 Major Magus 334 82 General of the Army lissi68 334 83 General of the Army BlackDevil 332 84 General of the Army Schmiddie 332 85 General of the Army fireblade2006 331 86 First Sergeant Kroete 330 87 General of the Army boyhh 330 88 General of the Army HansBitze 330 89 Staff Sergeant Buffke 324 90 Lieutenant General waelti09 324 91 First Sergeant Lurchi 322 92 General of the Army h4rdcor3 322 93 General of the Army fatlady 321 94 General of the Army PSR 320 95 General of the Army hase1 320 96 General of the Army kochi1977 317 97 General of the Army urmel1959 313 98 General of the Army MaxResist 313 99 Brigadier General Obi1A5 312 100 General of the Army Arsch_vom_Dienst 305 101 General of the Army Arsch_vom_Dienst 305 102 General of the Army splash 304 103 General of the Army SeinerEiner 303 104 Second Lieutenant Beatle 302 105 Lieutenant General SuEri 302 106 Brigadier General podscher 294 107 General of the Army Andreas_2205 290 108 General of the Army Schick48 288 109 General of the Army Dwerg 285 110 General of the Army DasWorT 280 111 General of the Army sorentovivi 280 112 General of the Army micha213 279 113 Captain JoKo 267 114 General of the Army Blondi 267 115 General of the Army KarlDoenitz 266 116 General of the Army elitepaul 264 117 General of the Army marcoheinzi 260 118 General of the Army JayJay 260 119 General of the Army Kata 260 120 General of the Army Cookie 258 121 General of the Army Aken02 258 122 General of the Army Silvester5180 257 123 General of the Army ringo73 257 124 General of the Army Brenning 255 125 General of the Army Camperfreund_Totti 254 126 Colonel siroko 254 127 General Luette25 253 128 General of the Army stefanr85 252 129 General of the Army RossiM 251 130 General of the Army ivory 251 131 General of the Army Rex2011 249 132 General of the Army duFt 248 133 General of the Army USAirFORZE 247 134 General of the Army Darkice 246 135 General of the Army Terrorist 246 136 General of the Army Gabriel72 245 137 General of the Army Ulrich1958 245 138 General of the Army WANDER-ELB 245 139 General of the Army Ben206 245 140 General of the Army Rexuli2013 243 141 General of the Army BruceWillis 241 142 General of the Army Fackju 241 143 General of the Army Auge 241 144 General of the Army Pololon 241 145 General of the Army tack69 239 146 General of the Army Narf 239 147 General of the Army _D3ziBl_ 238 148 General of the Army FELSEN 237 149 General of the Army Sunnyboy 236 150 General of the Army Fordson 235 151 General of the Army kloppdrauf 234 152 General of the Army Bulli 234 153 General of the Army Badboy-HRO 230 154 General of the Army Bodycheck69 230 155 General of the Army cheetah 230 156 General of the Army Sheen 229 157 General of the Army momomaniac 229 158 General of the Army oli0405 229 159 General of the Army Bj80 228 160 General of the Army jp32 228 161 Master Sergeant hopeful 226 162 General of the Army Elite-Ranger 226 163 General of the Army Jaibee 225 164 General of the Army Moritz_von_Sachsen 223 165 Specialist Conner_McLeod 217 166 General of the Army DarthTyranus 215 167 General of the Army PlaTho 212 168 Major TheNicofabi 212 169 General of the Army tomi79 211 170 General of the Army AlBundy75 208 171 Major Speedcuber 207 172 First Lieutenant LuckyLug 206 173 General of the Army hecker9 206 174 General of the Army BEAN 206 175 General of the Army omtwilli 206 176 Specialist Dasti79 204 177 General of the Army prozac83 202 178 General of the Army creutzer 200 179 General of the Army Andreas16128 200 180 General of the Army Ascat 198 181 General of the Army Ascat 198 182 General of the Army Christus 198 183 Slicksleeve Nodoma 196 184 General of the Army power 195 185 General of the Army LeroyGibbs 195 186 General of the Army Nordmann 195 187 General of the Army Gnar81 194 188 General of the Army nikubasch 194 189 General of the Army Lyandra 194 190 General of the Army sandy76 193 191 General of the Army cris91 192 192 General of the Army Jerry_Cotton 192 193 Lieutenant General MarkusOtte 191 194 General of the Army jens2204 189 195 General of the Army Hanny 188 196 General of the Army badabauz 188 197 General of the Army Oktoberfest 187 198 General of the Army Sachs 187 199 General of the Army -Woody- 187 200 Lieutenant General clash2 186 201 General of the Army PERSER 184 202 General of the Army Bateman 183 203 General of the Army Alkomorier 183 204 General of the Army JosephSteel 183 205 General of the Army bobhopp 183 206 General of the Army Payne 182 207 General of the Army John_Smith 180 208 General of the Army Platte_2011 175 209 General of the Army ReRa 175 210 General of the Army el_jefe 174 211 Specialist Darkman 173 212 General of the Army jano 172 213 General of the Army Kamelfuss 171 214 General of the Army Transformer 171 215 General of the Army Zelt 170 216 General of the Army Luger 170 217 General of the Army Baery 170 218 General of the Army Lady 169 219 General of the Army Diktator1 168 220 General of the Army Hgua 167 221 General of the Army Pastorin_Conny 165 222 General of the Army MaikWill 164 223 General of the Army SethBullock 164 224 General of the Army Schreibfunker 163 225 Brigadier General GI_Homer 162 226 General of the Army Poldauer 160 227 Captain Stevano1985 159 228 General of the Army ElBarto 158 229 General of the Army Keks0r 156 230 General of the Army DedlWe 153 231 General of the Army maggi21 153 232 General of the Army faser 152 233 Staff Sergeant crocosmia 152 234 Lieutenant Colonel Nahele 152 235 General of the Army jafu29 152 236 General of the Army PlayHard 150 237 Lieutenant General Packschiss 149 238 General of the Army Henker 149 239 General of the Army der_Teufel 148 240 General of the Army Iceman37 146 241 General of the Army Labello 146 242 General of the Army Launex 145 243 General of the Army Ingolf 143 244 Major General MetalWarrior83 143 245 Master Sergeant picassozg 142 246 General of the Army kingkusel 142 247 General of the Army Toifel333 141 248 General of the Army Likedeeler 141 249 Brigadier General andrehgw 140 250 General of the Army JJFuhr 140 251 Brigadier General atzenpower1982 139 252 General of the Army BATTLEFIGHTER 138 253 General of the Army Chava 138 254 General of the Army -Seth- 138 255 General of the Army Vader1988 137 256 General of the Army Rennie 137 257 General of the Army snay0r 137 258 Sergeant First Class Bear 137 259 General of the Army Kenobi 137 260 General of the Army raizu 136 261 General of the Army Blutlord 136 262 General of the Army henrywilliam 135 263 General of the Army Stinker11 135 264 General of the Army hwilliamk 135 265 General of the Army computermaus 132 266 General of the Army grocer 132 267 General of the Army lusche01 130 268 General of the Army Boelcke 130 269 General of the Army kolossus 130 270 General of the Army Jonas_Blane 130 271 General of the Army malteserkrieger 129 272 General of the Army blueeye 128 273 General of the Army mikimauska 125 274 General of the Army dosenbrot2011 125 275 General of the Army Muff 124 276 General of the Army SamHanna 124 277 Master Sergeant Feuerleiter 124 278 General of the Army Maddok 123 279 General of the Army oenne 123 280 General of the Army LeeLoo 121 281 General of the Army zickezacke 120 282 First Lieutenant provo1978 120 283 General of the Army germanlady 119 284 General of the Army Harakiri 119 285 General of the Army PaterDamien 119 286 General of the Army Kjartan 118 287 General of the Army Sennekrieger 118 288 General of the Army Stubby 117 289 General of the Army Snakedoc 117 290 General of the Army Flummi 116 291 General of the Army -Hexina61- 116 292 Captain battke 116 293 General of the Army Maverik 115 294 General of the Army BarbWire 114 295 General of the Army Cristiano_Ronaldo 113 296 General of the Army Lempke 113 297 General of the Army R3dbuLL 113 298 General of the Army Sirene85 112 299 General of the Army Werwolf 111 300 First Sergeant theDude 111 301 General of the Army Kuschelbar59 110 302 General of the Army PiPzDachs 110 303 General of the Army Tonnator 110 304 General of the Army Oststaatler 109 305 General of the Army Nightchild 109 306 Command Sergeant Major Pantograph 108 307 General of the Army OrangUfant 106 308 General of the Army OSGRombi82 106 309 Major General GunnyHighway 103 310 General of the Army Henke 103 311 General of the Army plato 102 312 General of the Army 7-62mm 101 313 General of the Army JohnyWalker 101 314 General of the Army Neb-ta-djeser 101 315 General of the Army Vonis 101 316 General of the Army soldatb 100 317 General of the Army beutelteufel 100 318 General of the Army GilbertWolzow 100 319 General of the Army mica316 100 320 General of the Army nackenmatte 98 321 General of the Army Boots 97 322 General of the Army GIM 96 323 Master Sergeant Brandy 96 324 General of the Army weinberg 96 325 6-Star-General NoOdle 95 326 General of the Army SirDyron 94 327 General of the Army Megaman 94 328 General of the Army Henrici 94 329 General of the Army spike051072 93 330 General of the Army codorsk 92 331 General of the Army Fuchs284 92 332 General of the Army PrivatePaula82 91 333 General of the Army Stonehead 90 334 General of the Army Moench 89 335 General of the Army _Janeway_ 88 336 General of the Army SgtMoppel 88 337 General of the Army Schaefer 88 338 General of the Army schnuerschuh2011 88 339 General of the Army IchbinkeinPlagiat 87 340 General of the Army Timobelu 87 341 General of the Army donja87 86 342 General of the Army Weidezaun 86 343 General of the Army HansSteiner 86 344 General of the Army FaustMunin 86 345 General of the Army WildWing 84 346 General of the Army secret80 84 347 General of the Army schmeisser 83 348 General of the Army glatze79 82 349 General of the Army baron86 82 350 General of the Army gassidani 82 351 General of the Army Rail-Gun 82 352 General of the Army RudeDog 81 353 Command Sergeant Major Matt_Eversmann 81 354 General of the Army Fischauge187 81 355 General of the Army Nekos 80 356 General of the Army Lilitu 79 357 General of the Army Moon44 79 358 General of the Army lutentenoob 79 359 Specialist Drakedrakul 79 360 General of the Army biesikc 78 361 General of the Army biesikc 78 362 Captain SunshineLive 78 363 General of the Army Inselfighter 77 364 General of the Army Beatbullet 76 365 General of the Army Mauldasch94 76 366 General of the Army MarineGunnerJoe 76 367 General of the Army wach 74 368 General of the Army Babs 74 369 Brigadier General nemo0815 72 370 Specialist Lucan 72 371 Colonel Octavian 71 372 General of the Army 666Daywalker 71 373 Sergeant Major 2roborella 70 374 Colonel Jarhead-Swoff 69 375 Lieutenant Colonel borussenfront09 69 376 General of the Army PiusXII 69 377 General of the Army Soul_Reaver 69 378 General of the Army Steiner83 67 379 Captain Marcantoni 66 380 General of the Army Lockonaut40 66 381 General of the Army Ryan763 66 382 First Sergeant Tony 66 383 General of the Army Phate 65 384 Specialist Sgt_Penis 65 385 General of the Army RainerS 65 386 General of the Army DickWinters 65 387 General of the Army ARCAS 65 388 General of the Army PhR 64 389 General of the Army SergeantMark 62 390 Staff Sergeant stoertebeker 62 391 Captain Romel 62 392 General of the Army Reservist78 61 393 General of the Army Wilhelm_Klink 61 394 General of the Army aljas 61 395 Brigadier General John-Clark 61 396 General of the Army Stinktier2 60 397 Captain Kaefer22 59 398 General of the Army Heribert007 58 399 General of the Army Dark33 58 400 General of the Army Mois 58 401 General of the Army SVHLaufwunder 58 402 Captain Nullbock 58 403 General of the Army mic4cux 57 404 Colonel modrzynski 57 405 Major zorro33 55 406 Sergeant Leon01 55 407 General of the Army Kruemelchen 55 408 General of the Army DraufundDran 55 409 General of the Army sarde 54 410 Corporal bedros 53 411 General schmalzlocke 53 412 Captain Matze2 53 413 General of the Army racebreaker 53 414 Slicksleeve Spoongebob 52 415 General of the Army Mosbacher 52 416 General of the Army Hennger 51 417 General of the Army herthino 51 418 General of the Army Uffz_G36 50 419 General of the Army Hadschzilla 50 420 General of the Army Gelblitze77 49 421 General of the Army Superkriecher 49 422 General of the Army vampirelady 49 423 General of the Army Artemis99 49 424 Corporal xena19 48 425 Specialist Rammstein 48 426 General major81 47 427 Major Pappy77 46 428 General Dude1981 46 429 Corporal xena84 45 430 First Lieutenant sven91 45 431 General of the Army Schmittchen83 44 432 General of the Army Ettan 44 433 General of the Army Ricardo_Costa 44 434 General of the Army HarmonRabb 44 435 General of the Army bandit09 44 436 Colonel spike1909 44 437 General of the Army Kanatze 43 438 General of the Army Kfzler 43 439 General of the Army Sansi 42 440 General of the Army Zivi1980 42 441 Sergeant nrop2 40 442 General of the Army Lumron 40 443 General of the Army ArmoredFist 40 444 General of the Army Firefox79 40 445 Brigadier General eulinski 39 446 General of the Army Tetze 39 447 General of the Army evilred 39 448 General of the Army step778 38 449 General of the Army kasaja 37 450 General of the Army Lumdir 37 451 General of the Army bobibobic76 37 452 General of the Army Austin_Powers 35 453 General of the Army Quiere 35 454 General of the Army Mukki 35 455 Command Sergeant Major Rene 34 456 General of the Army Rocco 34 457 Colonel Zaphord 33 458 Captain DarkAngel32 33 459 General of the Army Shadow51 32 460 General of the Army ickes 31 461 Corporal DerSturm 31 462 General of the Army ickes 31 463 General of the Army K1 31 464 Corporal Bonni 30 465 Sergeant Major KiffKaff 30 466 General of the Army Lagemann 29 467 General of the Army VenoMXR 28 468 General of the Army Bittrich 28 469 Second Lieutenant JuniorAngel10 28 470 General of the Army McKenzie 28 471 Sergeant webstar2303 28 472 General of the Army pirell 28 473 General of the Army lisachen 27 474 General of the Army Black 27 475 Major Steelhammer0815 27 476 Lieutenant Colonel TheProfessional 26 477 Lieutenant General KSKSpeaher 25 478 General of the Army Nicole30 25 479 General of the Army knoedel321 23 480 First Lieutenant Crownfield 23 481 General of the Army Knieb 22 482 General of the Army hgbutte 22 483 General of the Army FoxyNerd 22 484 6-Star-General USealsXX 21 485 Captain Brody 21 486 General of the Army assimicha 20 487 General of the Army army2012 20 488 First Lieutenant Maverick007 19 489 General of the Army Jim-Knopp 18 490 General of the Army Alpha1 18 491 General of the Army xXxstummelxXx 17 492 General of the Army Laguna 17 493 General of the Army Leo2A4_Y-244 17 494 Slicksleeve MeTaL 16 495 General of the Army Schwingeldingel 16 496 General of the Army Bilko 15 497 General of the Army Landei 15 498 General of the Army knut69 15 499 General of the Army tsx 15 500 General of the Army Ostseerocker 15 501 General of the Army Jack-Sparrow22 14 502 Corporal warhammer69 14 503 Colonel Hellscream 14 504 General of the Army GlatzenAgent4711 14 505 General of the Army GeorgePatton 14 506 Staff Sergeant Leini 14 507 General of the Army Gaudin 14 508 General of the Army draco 14 509 General of the Army Ulkor 13 510 General of the Army Kipper 11 511 General of the Army Greenangel 11 512 Major Yoko 10 513 General of the Army charly1962 10 514 General of the Army Butter72 10 515 General of the Army Biggs 10 516 General of the Army thebman 10 517 General of the Army AG84 8 518 General of the Army TheDark 8 519 General of the Army noga 7 520 General of the Army Kashi 7 521 General of the Army FlashGordon 7 522 General of the Army SirLutscher 7 523 Corporal Killerlotze 7 524 General of the Army Bonsai82 7 525 General of the Army Gabriellchen 6 526 General of the Army Typhon 6 527 General of the Army CodyFFM1976 6 528 General of the Army Rasalghul 6 529 Specialist Chiller 6 530 General of the Army Bandit78 6 531 General of the Army Kopernikus69 6 532 General of the Army Loki313 6 533 General of the Army Lindwurm 6 534 General of the Army Corsa 6 535 General of the Army palmboy 6 536 General of the Army ThomasT 6 537 General of the Army landser45 6 538 Colonel Founix 6 539 General of the Army Koenich 6 540 General Bimmelgloeckchen 5 541 General of the Army Kailuweit 5 542 Sergeant First Class Ruebchen 5 543 General of the Army Soldierboy78 5 544 General of the Army Waldi86 5 545 General of the Army NurseAmy 5 546 General of the Army Smoka_Holicz 5 547 General of the Army PauleWinters 5 548 Specialist jenny 4 549 General of the Army MAik89 4 550 General of the Army Dirty-Harry 4 551 General of the Army Rundstedt 4 552 General of the Army Lattenkracher 3 553 Lieutenant Colonel -Crazy-Berliner- 3 554 General of the Army dief 3 555 General of the Army Streetdiver 3 556 General of the Army Seargentpepper 3 557 General of the Army Tholax 3 558 General of the Army Levinja 2 559 Command Sergeant Major Scratch 2 560 Command Sergeant Major Rexmegge 1 561 General of the Army Manky 1 562 General of the Army Lee 1 Anzahl aller Dosen, welche geschossen worden sind: 94.253 __________________________________________________________________________ Geschrieben Heute, 16:06 Peter kontrollierte die Fakten und fand schnell 4 Fehler, diese wollte er aber dem Rekruten durchgehen lassen, da er die Dosen ordentlich sortiert hatte und es sich nur um doppelte Einträge handelte: Platz 41, 101,181 und 361 sind doppelt gelistet, so ergibt sich ein Teilnehmerfeld von 558 Soldaten und 93.265 abgeschossende Dosen!
  3. Hallo zusammen! :-) Ich habe folgendes Problem festgestellt: nachdem ich heute zum fünften Mal die Zielscheiben zerschossen habe, bekam ich eine Feldpost, in der mir zum Orden "Schützenkönig in Bronze" gratuliert wurde. Leider wird dieser aber nicht in meinem Orden-Kästchen angezeigt, d.h. ich habe ihn noch nicht erhalten. Dieses Problem tritt nur in der Finalversion auf. Im WBK sowie der US Army-Variante klappt die Ordensverleihung tadellos.
  4. ORCA2012


    Hallo an alle! Kann mir jemand von euch sagen, wie ich an einem Nachtschießen teilnehmen kann? Ich bedanke mich im Voraus für eure Antworten!
  5. Liebes SG -Team. Ich hätte da mal einen Verbesserungsvorschlag zum Nachtschießen. Jeder Soldat hat eine Grundtrefferquote von 20% Mit jeder 2. Stufe in der Waffen Ausbildung gibt es 1% dazu. Die Summe der beiden ergibt dann also eine gesamttrefferquote. z.B. Waffen ausbildung Stufe 70 + 20% Grundtrefferquote = 55% Trefferquote. Dazu ein Unsicherheitsfaktor von +/- 5%!!! Das fänd ich vernünftig und Fair!!! Was sagen die Kameraden dazu???
  6. Hallo, das aktuelle Nachtschießen ist schon seit einigen Stunden gestartet, jedoch kann ich keinen Dienst finden (bzw. es wird keiner angezeigt) um mich für Leuchtspurmunition bei unserem Munitionswart Peter anzustellen. Wer kann mir helfen??? MKG Wühlmaus
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