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  1. Easiest solution: use another browser for building mode. There might be some more ways to get rid of this issue, but they are not as easy.
  2. LeMatz


    Hey yhekopo, There's a dedicated server with english language. Make sure to chose the right language on the landing page (big-bait.com, see the flag's icon). The direct link to the server then is en2.big-bait.com . You'll have to start another account, a transfer is not possible. Not sure about Facebook / Gameroom; you should find an ingame option next to your character's name. Afaik the "logout"-button serves as language switch.
  3. Thanks for clarification, got it. Looks like a good suggestion.
  4. Would you mind attaching a screenshot, just to get you right?
  5. 1) Have a look in your HQ. Make sure the setting "Production" is set to "Yes" in order to be able to start a production. The option makes it comfortable to stop any production before a factory upgrade. 2) Check your storage for the necessary fishes.
  6. The helping people are listed in the notification everyone gets after a production. An overview/summary like in the fish factory might be a next step.
  7. Yep, you should join a company because you want to be part of it, not because of a single event. So the non-announcement in combination with the 3-day-lockout seems fair.
  8. LeMatz


    80 sollte die richtige Antwort sein =)
  9. Hi badjersey, afaik the first trawler was announced for testing purposes. I don't think the following ones will be announced, as it was before.
  10. Won't tell any calculation values as long as they're not officially published. This and many other parameters are part of a balancing process, whose results make it step by step in the game (see cooks and quay). Not every decision is in favour of the players, some might reveal new issues, some might not help at all. I forgot to thank you for your feedback, as it points at those problems.
  11. Hey David, Gold bar balancing is an economic issue. The game is playable without any fees but with the intention to make players pay to be able to cover the costs. So apparently there was more premium flooded into the game as people paid for it. Balancing this is a thing you'll find in nearly every game, especially the "free to play" ones. The real value people pay with is usually "time", either for real or shortcutted by money. The game itself seems easy to play if you don't want to have it competitive. The cook's hiring order should afaik be reset with the next patch, as Cookie mentioned here (german feedback). I think it will happen with the next patch. There was a misbalance in the credits income for the players, where too much money was gained out of the Quaiside bar. So a ticket was put in instead of two credits prizes. Not sure if there will be a more valuable replacement in a foreseeable time. For the moment you'll just win nothing but won't lose anything either. Same for the production rewards: there were too many items in the game. In addition the rewards consists of more than just the item(s) for the single player, consider this. The general transfer (player's fish to company's reputation and credits) is the main tradeoff made with the assignments. There will be some adjustements though.
  12. Hey, that's an translation error. Someone mixed the numbers up.... It should say "Reach level 3 with 15 ships". The full list is available on the german Wiki, see here.
  13. LeMatz


    "Nächste Stufe (erfordert Spielerlevel 20)" reicht nicht (aus dem Informationsfenster der Werft)? Innerhalb meines Tellerrands wüßte ich nicht, was mir die Information über weitere Stufen (bzw. wann sie erreichbar sind) bringen sollte.
  14. As mentioned ingame, here again for the public: http://wiki.unikatmedia.de/bigbaitv2/en/fishes/fishing-grounds-fishes/ http://wiki.unikatmedia.de/bigbaitv2/en/crabs-crustacean/fishing-grounds-crabs/
  15. Ahoy manda, following the logs you got two tickets, one on 08/07/2017 at 9:38pm and another on 08/08/2017 at 1:33pm. They should be added instantly in the Quayside Bar, "your tickets" (see added example image). Greetings, LeMatz
  16. Hey Chemisstree, not sure, if I get you right; you like to see how the rewards are calculated? Afaik the formulas are not public, only the factors are known (average company member's level, company member's number, fish factory level, number of recipes).
  17. Hey Ritamay, there's a tutorial that leads you through the first steps. Do you have any questions that are not covered by them?
  18. Hey Shave, have a look here. The guy had the same question. Have fun =)
  19. hey, 1) randomly invite people with similar level, 2) think about merging two companies with few members, 3) join yourself another company while taking your members with you. Most game mechanics are playable without the need of being a chair. I made the experience that it's funnier playing in an active company without rights than having all rights but no members. Just a thought.
  20. afaik they're generated on european daytime. Following the official announcement for the test server (german) they spawn at 9am and 12/3/6/9 pm (GMT+1 ?). Don't think it changed since then or will be changed soon, so bad news for you.
  21. Jede Stunde verderben 2% des Lagerbestandes. Findest Du als Text im Wiki oder Hilfetext beim Lager (Fragezeichensymbol).
  22. Hey Bill, apparently you were redirected to a "wrong" game server. Our technicians should have fixed this. Please have a try and tell us if they're right =) Greets, LeMatz
  23. I think it's ok as it is now. The monument generates an additional free (!) activity point which is nearly worth a week full of assignments (calculating with 3 fishing/production assignments per day). As a company chair I wouldn't rely on the monument's effect and when everything runs well and the game starts being competitive it's a nice and useful addition. Speaking of fairness; no one is forced to visit the top ten companies Best way might be a visitor number related to the company's size to gain the same effect. Question is; how should a related factor be defined? Reputation? Company's progress? Last week's / global ranking? Balancing this might be a hard work =) BTT: ten visits are ok, changing that number might need a rebalance as mentioned by Nabs
  24. Hey, Maybe a help: sometimes the ingame GUI gets buggy when the browser zoomed in / out. There are two kinds of zoom; the browser itself can zoom a webpage, visible ingame in form of modified GUI elements, and the game zoom which doesn't affect the GUI. Make sure your browser did not zoom the page (mostly via hotkey [CTRL] + [0] or via browser menu) have a look for red areas when switching in your building mode; there was a road tile on your map that made it outside the build area. I'm not sure if that matters for the building mode itself but at least when you exit it there will be an error
  25. Zu 1) Weltenöffner nennt sich Feurig Fux der XLI., rechtes klücken auf seinerselbst eröffnet neue Optionen der systematischen Untersuchung "Element untersuchen [Q]" bringt Licht ins Dunkel. Dort besagten Ajax' Display auf permanent geschrieben lässt ihn hängen für den Moment. Folgend eröffnet sich der Übeltäter, ein grünlich Balken weiß bepunktet (http://prntscr.com/8ldybe), welcher das einzig Flackern hier mir scheint. Ist doch anstrengend, so zu schreiben ^^ Ausprobiert habe ich nun eine Erweiterung für Firefox, mit der ich die Darstellung der Aktualisierung ausblende (nicht die Aktualisierung selbst verhindere: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/customize-your-web). Zu 2) Nutze "LastPass" ohne Probleme. Ein definitiv lösbares 'Problem'.
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