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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13.02.2017 in all areas

  1. Can I suggest that, when non-newbies apply to join a company, that a "previous history" of companies they have been with is displayed? This way we could contact previous companies for a reference and reduce the number of dead weights we allow in and then have to kick out for not contributing to the team. Thanks.
    1 point
  2. Hubris

    Thames Fishing Co

    I was going solo, but have decided to open up my little Company to new members who do not want any pressure to complete daily assignments or production, if you just want good company and help, then Thames Fishing Co may just be the place for you :-)
    1 point
  3. Nachbrenner: Betrifft: optische Veränderungen ich erinnere mich, dass mehrmals angesprochen wurde, die "Krabbenkutter" und die "Weicheier" nach dem Anlegen des Anstrichs optisch nicht mehr unterscheiden kann. Anstatt sich da zu überlegen, etwas zu ändern... Betrifft nochmal "Spy": Es macht mich wütend, wenn andere Mitspieler sich in meiner Reederei umsehen, meine Schiffe ausspionieren können. Es geht keinen etwas an, wie ich meine Schiffe ausgebaut habe und was sie gerade tun. Wenn das jemand interessiert, kann er mich danach fragen. Und ich entscheide, wem ich welche Auskunft gebe. Insofern kann man hier auch von einer Entmündigung sprechen. Je mehr ich darüber nachdenke, umso mehr kann ich gar nicht soviel essen, wie ich ... Wortergänzung überlasse ich dem geneigten Leser
    1 point
  4. Das ist eins was niemand durchdacht hat. Genau wie den Aktiviitätspunkt übers Monument. Erst will man die Inaktiven GS loswerden, kleine GS die die Punkte nicht schaffen sogar löschen und jetzt bekommt man Punkte ohne das man überhaupt aktiv ist. Es reicht das andere die GS besuchen. Also eine GS die jeden Tag 4 ÖAs fährt ist inaktiv und eine GS die jeden Tag von zig Leuten besucht wird, ist aktiv. Tolle Logig.
    1 point
  5. die monumente und das motivieren-macht tür und tor auf für mauschelein und absprachen--und wieder mal haben die großen mehr vorteile als die kleinen denn sie kennen hier mehr leute.haben mehr gold zum ausgeben und damit wird die schere noch größer-und die großen schießen noch schneller vorwärts in levelbereiche die unserer erde ja sogar verlassen aber können nichts damit anfangen
    1 point
  6. Da fehlen einem echt die Worte. Nichts, aber auch rein gar nichts wird aufgenommen. Nicht ein einziger positiver Beitrag im Feedback zu der ganzen Spionageka... Wofür wird überhaupt ein Feedback noch gefordert? Ihr geht doch nur auf das ein, was euch passt. Es wird alles so eingespielt, wie angekündigt. Was kümmern uns die Meinungen der Spieler. Ergo: schei.. auf Feedback. Es ist sowieso sinnlos, weil für die Betreiber völlig irrelevant. Welcome "NSA Datenkrake Unikat"..
    1 point
  7. Well seeing as there's hardly been ANY resources over the weekend I have to guess that it's broke or people are purposely buying everything up as soon as it hits the market. It is ridiculous that materials out of the building yard only amount to 780 random units a day. The raise of 3 units per level is pitiful. Take into account that another level takes two to three days and it really is diminishing returns as you can't "bank" the labour force while it is building. @Chrischan I have just watched it and everything in the raw materials market disappears within a minute.
    1 point
  8. Greetings: I agree with Sallania on both points i think it would be better and less confusing if a new building was implanted instead of changing current in play buildings As for the current mats system , it needs to be looked at and a total re-vamp done , not only can the new players not produce in company but with the high lvl players going in and cleaning out the entire market in one clean sweep( just because they can) the mid range players have a hard time proceeding as well. Fish On ! Mr.Yumfy
    1 point
  9. Hi, I like the idea to put up a new building for the plan instead of changing an existing ones. putting it up on lvl 1 again and maybe even dont getting back goldbars is like a punch in the face of the players who did use much credits, time and also maybe goldbars on it. about the raw mats: its impossible to get enough the way the game is programmed. new players cant even produce, cause the little bit they get from building yard is just a joke. just my 2 fishs. Sallania
    1 point
  10. I think most of it will enhance the game but surely you could leave the marina and add the new building elsewhere. Sall has a very valid point regarding the gold. Not only when buying down but the 10 or 20 gold used to start it while something else was running. It's going to be very hard to work out who did what. I'd like to suggest the whole buying and selling of resources be revised. This an economy driven game and the real currency isn't gold or credits. It is resources. You can't do anything in a Company with your members having resources. The Building Yard puts out very low levels of resources compared to other games I have played where the resources were say Ore, Crystal and Hydro. In this game Plastic used to be highest priced but it still was moderate. Now everything is being traded at the highest prices and strangling the game especially for lower ranked players. Buying resources is virtually bankrupting players and making them less likely to work in the Company FF. The way it is at the moment is that the rich get richer and the in game economy is in major decline.
    1 point
  11. Evening, what about gold bars if you did spend some to get the marinas finished instantly. those will be refunded too ? Sallania
    1 point
  12. "Don't worry, you'll be refunded the credits you spent on the marina." Will we lose out on the percentage increases to our Museums and Markets?
    1 point
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